1,000 Little Things: Inspiration from Sonny Kobe Cook

I saw a keynote by Sonny Kobe Cook (the founder of Sleep Country USA) in 2007 and of the many great ideas she shared, one in particular stands out to this day. Actually, it was a quote on a plaque that she saw in a restaurant years ago:

It’s impossible to be 1,000% better than every other restaurant. Let’s try to be 1% better in 1,000 little ways.

This is good stuff.  And is the inspiration for this new category in TourVista’s Blog: 1,000 Little Things.  While we are constantly working on large improvements to the TourVista website and user experience, it’s rare that a week goes by without a few small tweaks and adjustments as well.  These minor adjustments might not be noticed by most of our users, but they are little nudges forward, continuing to push TourVista and our user experience in the best direction possible.

We already have a category devoted to TourVista’s major improvements, but I thought it would be useful to show you the small improvements we are making as well.

Please let us know what you think and if you have ideas for improvements to TourVista (small or large) we’d love to hear ’em.

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